New Pets
Your New Pet’s First Complimentary Veterinary Visit and Appointment Your puppy or kitten’s first trip to the vet is almost as much about educating you as checking out the puppy or kitten. Besides your many questions and concerns, can you please bring the health information the seller or shelter provided to you, such as records of vaccinations and worming. While answering your questions, our vet will likely do the following:
- Weigh your puppy and check their temperature, as well as their pulse and breathing rate.
- Listen for any heart and lung abnormalities and examine other internal organs by palpating, or feeling them.
- Your pet’s ears will be checked to ensure they not only look right but also smell right — no infections or parasites.
- Check their genitals to ensure two testicles are present in males and there’s no sign of discharge or infection in females.
- Go over eyes, nose, skin, and the anal region carefully to check for discharge or other signs of disease or parasites.
- Check teeth and gums.
- Discuss desexing, worming, flea treatment, diet and vaccinations as well as puppy classes.
A puppy or kitten examination is one of the best parts of a vet’s job, and our vets like to keep it fun for them as well. Your vet wants to set up a relationship where your pet likes being handled, showing no fear or aggression. You are an important part of this learning process. Do not encourage shyness or aggression in your new pet by punishing or excessively soothing them. Be positive and matter-of-fact in all of their social interactions in order to raise a confident, secure pet. Because their immunity is not fully developed yet, we recommend you minimise interactions with other pets that you are not familiar with, and discuss ways to protect your new pet at your consultation.
We look forward to welcoming you and your new pet to our hospital for their complimentary “new pet visit and appointment”.
Do you need more information?
We are open six days a week for consultation by appointment. Please call our friendly staff to schedule your appointment. There is car parking with easy access to the hospital, however, if you do need assistance with getting into the hospital, please let us know. For Emergency after hours care – Contact AHVEC on 1300 302 912